Our Garden Plot

Since we are novice gardeners, our plot is a wee bit runty compared to some of our neighbors' plots, but then again, it is better weeded than some, as well. There's a broad spectrum.

But we sure are enjoying the fruits of the earth and those sunflowers, I wish I could make them scratch-and-sniff through the computer! They literally had nectar dripping off them, and they smelled like a sunflower butter and honey sandwich! (I eat sunflower butter instead of peanut butter because I'm allergic to PB.)


Hezra said…
yours looks awesome! We literally have had such drought that even with watering it is sad. We had two sunflowers and even they died. :-(
OzarksUSA said…
You have a beautiful garden! I've never tried sunflower butter before but it sounds yummy.
poo-head said…
Cool blog...I'm interested in home scooling and will ream more.

That's funny that you and I took almost the identical picture of our garden plot products! I should post mine!
Stephanie Niko said…
You're so lucky to be able to grow your own vegetables! It must taste so much more fresh and delicious. My dad has a huge garden in Greece and always has such amazing produce.