Feeling Disconnected (in other words: Liminality Sucks!)

I suppose it's part of saying goodbye, but ever since we announced to our friends and our parish that we will be moving, with one or two notable exceptions, I have been feeling more and more disconnected and invisible.

Like I'm not even there...

And who knows, it could be another six months before our house sells. Who knows?

Someone told one of my kids that she is glad that we are moving because he gets on her nerves. How. Charmingly. Honest.

Next weekend is our big "clear out" with a dumpster. A week after that, we'll start trying to find a buyer.

Oh God, grant it to be soon!

Anyone need a cat? He's a good mouser, and very laid back. Sleek and healthy neutered Orange Tabby. He's nice and all, but not worth the more-than-two-hundred-dollar pet fee in an apartment.

I have a headache and wish I could crawl into bed. Instead, I have to go birthday present shopping. Times two.

I really should not blog when I"m this tired, shouldn't I? But I'm just grumpy enough that I'll post it anyways.


Anonymous said…
I am sorry that you feel disconnected. You will definitely be missed! That is for sure. I hope the clear out goes well next weekend. We probably won't be at church due to David's surgery, but you will be in our prayers.
Anonymous said…
Hey, it's Lisa S. again from Moore and Hillsboro. Regarding your cat, you might want to check out Holly's Place online (I think hollysplace.com) if you seriously can't find a home and run out of options. It's run by a college friend of mine and is close to Lexington. I can't promise Victoria can take your cat, but she is a dedicated animal advocate and should be a good source of local information.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry. I usually delay that announcement as long as possible, because it's never quite the same afterwards. And there's so very much "charming honesty" that I start looking forward to leaving.

I hope things go smoothly and quickly for you. God bless!
Anonymous said…
I completely understand where you are coming from. I just did it. I am so glad that I did. You may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but it is there. I promise. :) As for feeling disconnected, it is a good thing really. It means that mentally you are preparing for your new adventure. Your true friends who really love you will bare with you during this process. Chin up my dear friend, it will get better.
maria said…
Someone actually said that??? To his face??? Give me a &*@)#%$ break. And I'm sorry I wasn't very attentive tonight at High Street -- I'm a terrible multitasker when I'm on the dinner team. You did look beautiful!
Monica said…
I sigh with you...
gemma said…
I love that word....liminality. I always learn something new from you. That condition of liminality does suck. There is a can't do anything anywhere kind of thing about it. Sorry about the neighbor comment...people are actually worse than the condition aren't they?

Hope it all looks better as time moves you through it.
Anonymous said…
I certainly hope that the charmingly honest person was a child and not an adult!

I've moved several times as an adult, and each time I am, oh, I don't know, *something*, that my old place grows over very quickly. I guess it's just what happens...