Health Stuff

Well, I'm about five days into letting go of coffee and diet sodas. Funny, but suddenly this blog is misnamed. I NEVER thought I'd become a non-coffee drinker. It's just that I keep reading, over and over again, in place after place, about a connection between coffee drinking and adrenal fatigue. And coffee drinking and that it leaches minerals form one's bones. The same for diet sodas, not to mention the bad-for-me aspects of aspartame.

So, I'm working on changing a huge major habit in my life. It doesn't hurt that my old coffee maker broke, so I bought small Hamilton Beach number, and I hate it. I can't pour from the caraffee w/ o/ spilling it. I try, but I can't. I guess I'm as of yet still incapable of a slow, patient pour. At any rate, I think I'm going to get rid of it and just not have a coffee maker in the house. Will need to find a friend upon whom to bequeath my stash. Must cancel Gevalia subscription that I just signed up for. He he.

Well, in other news, my whole family's been feeling rather under-the-weather this past week. I was hoping we'd be better by the weekend, but Saturday night had me up a few times w/ one of the kids helping to make decisions about medicine and such and being informed that she's just thrown up again, etc. Yesterday had me sleeping off and on, and running a low grade fever. Everyone else seems to be getting better, but not really. People are still rushing to the bathroom etc. No one at our house went to Church yesterday or Saturday. Wes tried taking the kids to Church on Saturday evening, but E was not feeling well, and then he decided it would be a good idea to walk w/ his eyes closed and he banged into a brochure stand and had a fat lip from it. Serves the silly boy right, I say! Wes gave up at that point and everyone came home.

I'm ready to be feeling good again, but I'm not quite there yet, I'm afraid. It's so difficult to tell what's fibro and what's a bug. The difference is very very subtle. At least I'm going to get up here in a minute and pretend like I'm better, and see what happens with my day.

So, since I'm giving up coffee, should I rename my blog or not?


Genevieve said…
No... cuz the rest of of us don't have your strength to give it up :-)
Anonymous said…
I'm guessing you meant "he decided it would be a good idea to walk w/ his eyes closed," not "we." :-)
Alana said…
he, yes...all on his own.
elizabeth said…
Keep the name! You can still be our morning coffee :)

I've never been on caffiene and I am glad for now I don't have to go 'off' it...

when I was a teen I read that caffiene can ampliy or create mood swings and I wanted none of that so I quiet my cherry coke drinking then and there and never went back...

and all carbonated drinks take calcium from the bones; my biology-major sister told me this so I have been off all sodas for years...

it is doable and there are a lot of lovely teas out there...

may God strengthen you as you seek to create a new healthy habit! I know I have many areas to improve in this too, including increasing my veggie intake... one thing at a time!
You could change it to celebrate the new you, so to speak.
Unknown said…
I've read that apples are more effective than coffee at keeping you awake in the morning. Don't know why. Thought it might help your transition.
Alana said…
Ah, it's not about the caffeine. I've been off that for a while, or mostly off...enough that I didn't get a headache when I quit coffee.

It's the coffee in general...those acidic beans.

I have to keep my tea consumption to a minimum due to being on the guaifenesin protocol for fibromyalgia.