Ariana's Cake

Here's the cake my 11 year old daughter decorated in class tonight. More cake...just what we NEED.


elizabeth said…
very cute!!!
T. said…
I would LOVE a piece of cake right now!
Unknown said…
Maybe she should try cake-shaped meatloaf and mashed potato frosting. :-) Although, I suppose the consistency wouldn't be right for roses and such. Shrug.
Perhaps you could find some sort of fake cakes to practice on?

It's a very cute cake!
Katie said…
When I took cake decorating classes, I got so tired of making cakes (and then trying to pawn them off on people so I didn't eat them) that I bought a few styrofoam circles at the craft store, glued them together and them used them every week as my 'cake'. After class I would scrape the whole thing free of the icing. Worked like a charm!
Alana said…
One good reason NOT to use fake cakes is that we need as much practice as we can get in preventing the "crumb problem".