Discoveries and Thoughts

Red Lavender Tea-Oh. yum!

A movie called Sweet Land. Watched it on Netflix streaming. Very very charming, good and wonderful. Set in the 1920's, Minnesota. A love story.

I've also decided that Richard Preston is one of my favorite authors. Everything I read by him is a page turner, IMO. Currently reading the not-so-new fictional book The Cobra Event.

I'm so ready for spring! I guess I could get some of my spring time clothes out and start incorporating them into my wearrables as we transition to warmer climes in the next few weeks. I'm so ready for the skits and sandals phase of the year!


maria said…
How funny -- I reread The Cobra Event just last month! It's great.

I might be flying out of Louisville next month -- maybe we could meet for some hot tea?