The house keeping card file system is going SO WEll. I will admit that I took today off. For one thing, I'm tired today, and for another thing, I don't have any monthlies/weeklies tomorrow, and so I will do today's chores tomorrow. The dailies, the nice thing is if I skip a day, things are still better than before, when I never did them. So zero guilt there.
I am struggling with one problem: procrastinating my Bible reading until the very last thing and then not doing it at all. Guilty as charged. The spiritual disciplines are always the hardest. Some days, just a Psalm will have to qualify.
Another thing I've been thinking of, is that I want to create time in my day to read. My brother sent me Richard Preston's _Wild Trees_, and I've delved in to the first few pages, and am eager to read more. Additionally, when I'm in the bathroom I pick up and read a few lines of that history book (late 1700's) that I'm working on. At least I'm making some progress. But I have so many interests, and books I want to read. And I spend too much time browsing the internet. That's reading, too, but not the intelligent reading I want it to be. Some of it is fruitful, but some less so.
Dinner tonight: shrimp stir fry with cauliflower "rice". Yes, I'm on a low carb plan again: The Metabolism Miracle.
I am struggling with one problem: procrastinating my Bible reading until the very last thing and then not doing it at all. Guilty as charged. The spiritual disciplines are always the hardest. Some days, just a Psalm will have to qualify.
Another thing I've been thinking of, is that I want to create time in my day to read. My brother sent me Richard Preston's _Wild Trees_, and I've delved in to the first few pages, and am eager to read more. Additionally, when I'm in the bathroom I pick up and read a few lines of that history book (late 1700's) that I'm working on. At least I'm making some progress. But I have so many interests, and books I want to read. And I spend too much time browsing the internet. That's reading, too, but not the intelligent reading I want it to be. Some of it is fruitful, but some less so.
Dinner tonight: shrimp stir fry with cauliflower "rice". Yes, I'm on a low carb plan again: The Metabolism Miracle.
Thanks for inspring me, Alana! A Blessed 2010 to you and your family.
Keep us posted on the card system. I def need some help in the keeping track of chores department! Maybe I'll give the SHE book a look...
I try to remember that it is there to do what I want it to, not the other way round :)
Blessed Feast!