Parish Website

I just have to brag! Our parish has the most beautiful photos on our website, now (I think I need to thank a certain Mr. Vest for those gorgeous photos and the talent behind the web page belongs to Mr. Irvine, I believe.)

So, here's the link to the photo page of my parish website. Seven days a week, I have the opportunity to worship God in such gorgeous surroundings. Sure beats my old sleeping bag and prayer book alone on my back porch for "just me and God Matins"....

(Don't get the wrong impression though...I'm WORKING ON the "seven days a week" part. The opportunity is there, though...I just don't always avail myself.)

And while you are perusing those gorgeous photos, and the website in general, please add Fr. Alexander Atty to your prayer list. He has stage four colon cancer. His surgery is scheduled February 2, 2010.

Peace and blessings to all.


elizabeth said…
Lord have mercy.

Beautiful pictures indeed.

Love to you this evening!
Unknown said…
We just heard about Fr. A. earlier this week. What a way to spend the Feast of the Encounter! He certainly has prayers from this end of the state
mamajuliana said…
Beautiful temple. You are so fortunate to have the opportunity for 7 days a week worship!!! (NOT that I would get there for nearly 7 either...) But just the availability would be a blessing! There are times when I wish that we lived a bigger city or a town with a bigger vibrant Orthodox presence...

Prayers for Fr. A...
Anna said…
Lord have mercy on Fr. A !
Michelle M. said…
I didn't know that about Fr. Atty. Lord have mercy!
Amber said…
Your church is beautiful!

I'll be praying for Fr. Atty as well...colon cancer. Very rough.