Life, the Universe, and a Rebounder

I'm having one of those weeks when I feel constantly overwhelmed. I've struggled in vain to get back to my card file system since being away for my grandfather's funeral last week. Today I managed to clean the toilets, so that is something, a start.

It seems that getting the kids back into the rhythm of school work has been difficult as well. I'm just struggling, I guess. It helps not at all that the whirlwind trip caused a bit of a fibro flare up, which means I have NO energy.

But I have been exercising, keeping dishes washed, laundry mostly washed, and food cooked and shopped for...TWO shopping days in one week due to the delayed shopping I had to do after returning from Texas...that explains a LOT of my extra busyness!

Today, instead of going to Curves, I bounced on our new mini-trampoline.

One thing we did last week is buy a mini-trampoline, aka rebounder, for the kids. Well, for us all, really. It's always been a favorite thing of mine to own for our kids, as they tend to coop themselves up in the winter time, especially, and this way they can use it to get some indoor exercise. It makes a HUGE difference in their fitness levels and also in their energy and mood. Being a bunch of aspies, the bouncing seems to do something really good for them, I think. My guess is that it might be one of those "sensory integration" tools that therapists have around. It is amazing how uniquely uncoordinated my kids are. But observing just now, I'm already seeing VAST improvement in movement coordination of the subject who shall remain nameless who is currently bouncing.

Here's an excellent introductory article on the health benefits of rebounding. We've almost always had a rebounder in our home and I consider the few feet of floor space that it takes up to be well worth it. (Family of six living in 1550 sq. foot apartment...obviously, the mini-trampoline is a priority).

Two things I've learned over the years of going through several rebounders: (1)If you leave them outside, they get rusty and nasty and deteriorate really really fast, and (2) if you let a kid outside on a sunny day with a magnifying glass and a mini-trampoline, you might just find holes melted in the jumping surface, rendering it useless as an exercise tool. I'd say it's definitely an indoor thing.

Oh, and my dishwasher has been getting progressively worse, so I've switched to washing dishes by hand. This is not a bad thing, since it saves me from rinsing them before putting them in the dishwasher and re-washing them when I take them out, AND I have some lovely icons on the shelf above my kitchen sink that encourage me to pray while I'm washing dishes. And the kids are also learning a new skill.


mamajuliana said…
My icons are on the shelf above my sink, too. We have to wash dishes by you would think that I would be an accomplished pray-er by now....but alas...other thoughts often crowd my mind!

We have a rebounder...rusting in the basement. You have guilted me into going down there and getting it!

I got the Metabolism book in the post this afternoon. Such a good book! But I am SO carb addicted...It will be hard!
elizabeth said…
I can imagine how behind and thrown off you would feel after being gone...

I am the same way.

Hope this weekend can help you regain strength. love you!
Unknown said…
Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a French otolaryngologist, is recognised as the modern day originator of sound or music therapy. In the early 1950's he developed an effective therapy method using altered music to treat conditions such as auditory processing disorder, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder and autism. Another French doctor, Dr. Guy Bérard, developed a similar method, Auditory Integration Training (AIT), which has found many followers in the USA. From personal experience I know that many clients report improvements in understanding, speech, balance, behaviour and emotional well-being after just two or three weeks of daily sound therapy.

Sensory Activation Solutions (SAS) is an organisation with Centres in the U.K. and Turkey that provides a unique service for children and adults that face learning or developmental difficulties. When the established educational, psychological or medical services fail to provide adequate support, the SAS methodology often can provide practical solutions that result in noticeable improvements in daily life.

You may be interested to check out their Free Sound Therapy Home Programme. Their Auditory Activation Method builds on the pioneering work of Dr. Tomatis and Dr. Bérard and has been specifically developed with the aim to improve sensory processing, interhemispheric integration and cognitive functioning. It has helped many children and adults with a wide range of difficulties, ranging from dyslexia and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder to sensory processing disorders and autism. It is not a cure or medical intervention, but a structured training programme that can help alleviate some of the debilitating effects that these conditions can have on speech and physical ability, daily behaviour, emotional well-being and educational or work performance.

There is no catch, it's absolutely free and most importantly often effective. Check it out at:
I also have a pocket-size diptych on the kitchen sink window sill.

I have always wondered if rebounders were worth the money, so thanks for the article.