Nice Chairs!

One of the things the Lord has been teaching us around here is how to trust Him. And how to ask Him for the things we need. We truly want to be His children, and this is a hard lesson and a fine line to walk. How to walk in trust in a "go out and get it yourself" world?

So, part of that is being content with what we have. Like shabby thrift store furniture, or old mixers. And the other part is actually praying about the things we think we might need, like that Kitchen Aid that God so abundantly provided.

Well, we weren't EVEN praying for furniture. But today we were given two very nice, very comfy and very GREEN chairs and foot stools (the green color is one of the reasons they were sitting in someone's garage for two years with no takers, I think.) Not in my entire life would I have purchased such an item for myself. Too posh. And VERY green. I would probably have picked a nice dull poop color were I buying leather furniture for myself. Perhaps green is better.

But you know what? The green seems to fit perfectly in our brown carpeted, beige walled and dark brown brick fireplace with dark wood furnishings and lots of books living room.

So once again, I have to smile and thank God and think a bit that he has a sense of humor. I guess I'll have green leather chairs in my living room for many years to come, if not the rest of my life.

Green...St. Patrick's favorite color. The color of Pentecost. The color of chlorophyll. Many good things are green.

Glory to Thee, O Lord, glory to Thee!


mamajuliana said…
We have been married 27 years and our home has always been furnished by the 'blessing of others.'

Though we were given our furniture it has always seemed to 'match'. Like you it may not have been something we would have chosen if buying-but the blessings have always been more than we would have expected!

I call the style of our home "Early Goodwill" or 'Secondhand Chic.' jokingly sometimes, but I still think that it is beautiful! God has always provided for our home!
Victoria said…
Many good things are green! Innnncluding not sending perfectly nice chairs to a landfill! Actually, I like them. They look nice. Really, they're real leather? Very nice -- and you don't even have to feel guilty for having leather, because you didn't buy them and no one else wanted them so it's not like you are contributing to the leather market (says the vegetarian who wears leather shoes but cannot bring herself to buy a leather bag. Go figure.). Hope you enjoy them.
Jasmine said…
It looks aristocratic, actually.