I heard a rumor

That on Tuesday of this week (shrove Tuesday?), IHOP gives away free pancakes (plain ones) to anyone who comes to their restaurant.

So if you are in the mood for some pancakes, perhaps check out snopes.com or call up your local IHOP to find out if they indeed do this, and then go get some.

I'll be making gluten free blueberry pancakes here at my house.


Martha said…
I heard that too...but I'd prefer homemade ones too! I like to KNOW what goes into it...
I heard that Ben & Jerry's is giving away free cones on April 21st...how cool that it's Bright Tuesday? Too bad I don't know where the closest B & J shop is...
elizabeth said…
fun... blessed butterweek to you Alana!
Anna said…
Yes, they are giving away pancakes...if you give a donation to a charity. Forgot which one...I think DAV or AmVets.