Some Good Children's Books

I was at a women's Bible Study tonight...rather a discussion group discussing a book written about one of the books in the Bible...

But one of the women there was mentioning wanting to find good books for her to read with her daughter, aged three-ish.

This made me remember my very favorite series of books when my own daughter was wee:

The "Alfie" books, by Shirley Hughes.

The illustrations are so charming, and the stories are comprised of little vignettes: They types of adventures only the very young who are disovering the world around them for the first time can experience. These books are charming through and through, and have enough text in them to make for some substantial reading time, enough interest to keep mom happy, and beautiful illustrations to charm anyone who peruses them.

Here's a link to one of them: The Big Alife and Annie Rose Storybook


Kindle Fire Mom said…
My daughter's not yet 3, but I'm looking forward to when we can read stories with more than a couple of words per page.

As a child, I loved Dr. Desoto by William Stieg and the little golden books. I also picked up (and will blog about tomorrow at Sacred and the Profane) a copy of The Blackbird's Nest by Jenny Schroedel and absolutely love it for a preschooler or slightly older child.
Has said…
I agree. I love them - stacks of them at the library.

Also fabulous are any books by Pamela Allen.

Anything good along the lines of Orthodoxy for little kids?
All the Alfie stories are wonderful. Have you also read Shirley Hughes' "Lucy and Tom" series ?
I refuse to get rid of my copies even though all the girls are too old for them. I'm keeping them for my grandchildren !
maria said…
OK, Alana and her houghtful friends -- you will also be expected at the new children;s book discussion group, arriving soon at Chronicles of Wunchie!

See you tonorrow, Alana.
Liz in Seattle said…
Ooh, sounds good!

DH just told me about a book he loved as a kid. I found an older copy (don't know if it's out of print): Greek Slave Boy, by Lillian Carroll (ages 8-14) The boy follows the Greek gods, but the message is taking responsibility for one's actions. The Christian martyrs are mentioned a few times, which for us was a good time to stop and have a conversation; the Roman circus and all its "fun" is discussed several times. The language is schlock here! She also has another, The Secret of the Covered Bridge, which I want to find.