Taking Matters into My Own Hands on August 26, 2008 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"WIDTH="384" HEIGHT="304"> Comments Amy said… That is hilarious! Thanks for sharing, Alana. I would totally vote for you. :) Anna said… LOL, my co-worker just customized and sent this to me. :) Librarians could rule the world! Justin said… Here's a possible campaign slogan: "Alana - she's got you covered!" Mimi said… Bwhahahahahaha!You'd get my vote. Anonymous said… I love it!!! I would vote for you!!! Martha said… I SO wish there was another option! You know I'm voting for John McCain, but in reality I'd vote for Alan Keyes, if he truly had a chance.
You'd get my vote.