I'd appreciate anyone's prayers. I am currently in a really bad fibromyalgia cycle. I'm to the point on the guaifenesin protocol that I don't cycle as often as I used to, so when I do cycle, I'm not used to it, and it really sets me back and slows me down.
My mantra is "God's will be done". I did not choose this. But God made me, and I have this, so I hope that in it, God will somehow be glorified. For the opportunity to glorify God, even in this nasty chronic illness, I am grateful.
But it's also hard. Right now my hip is really bad, and I've been on my not-very-ergonomically-correct cane more often which makes my wrists hurt. And, I've not been very able to exercise. Which slows down my weight loss efforts, which gets me discouraged. And the pain makes me want a glass of wine, and then I get the munchies...so I get even more discouraged about my weight loss efforts. But I keep trying, (except when I'm not trying...) or I keep starting to try over and over, and eventually and very very slowly it adds up and I do succeed a little bit. It all feels rather pathetic. (Most people would have lost their 50 pounds by now. Seriously.)
Just little things wear me out much more quickly than they would otherwise. And it's perpetually frustrating when I don't have enough energy to do house work, and so the house is messy. Tomorrow I will rally the troops (kids) and get them to do a tidy-sweep of our main living areas. Today they were very helpful in switching out laundry loads and I managed to cook the world's easiest dinner (chicken and rice bake and peas) and wash dishes...well, most of the dishes, and run a couple of errands.
But right now my hip is really bothering me, and I wish I had a plug for my tub, so that I could take a hot bath. I keep meaning to buy one at the store, and then when I'm there I forget, or run out of energy to go to the hardware section. Perhaps I could improvise with a baggie full of a wadded up wet washcloth, or something like that.
So, that's my life when I'm in a nasty fibro flare up. The good thing is, while I was resting this afternoon, I got the rest of Deuteronomy read, the epistle of Jude and am almost half way through Joshua. I'm glad to be out of the Pentateuch and into the Historical Books.
And, it was interesting to recently have read about the rebellion of Korah, and then read about it mentioned in Jude.
Forgive me if this post sounds whiney. I don't mean for it to be.
I'm so sorry. Hugs and prayers.
--Theodora (too lazy to log in)
if interested read my blog, not on health, but on life. I love to write. http://thelandoflili.blogspot.com/