I'm reading a whole stack of interesting stuff right now, in bits and pieces:
Apostolic Fathers (Yesterday I read the Didache. Currently working on 1 Clement)
History of Russia and the Soviet Union by Thomson (I'm enjoying this one the most!)
Orthodoxy and Catholicity by Fr. John Meyendorff
Speaking the Truth in Love: Education, Mission and Witness in Contemporary Orthodoxy by Thomas Hopko
The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien (I'm reading this aloud to the kids and having a grand time doing so.)
It's the Little Things: Everyday Interactions That Anger, Annoy, and Divide the Races, by Lena Williams (Boy, this one is shining light on some surprises in my own heart!)
And a "braincandy" romance novel the title of which is not worth mentioning.
Recently Completed:
Becoming Orthodox, by Fr. Peter Gilquist (a quickie trip down memory lane re-read)
1 Corinthians, by St. Paul
The Illumined Heart by Frederica Matthews-Green (also a quickie re-read to remind myself of what it was about)
I hope to have a quiet evening of reading tonight.
Apostolic Fathers (Yesterday I read the Didache. Currently working on 1 Clement)
History of Russia and the Soviet Union by Thomson (I'm enjoying this one the most!)
Orthodoxy and Catholicity by Fr. John Meyendorff
Speaking the Truth in Love: Education, Mission and Witness in Contemporary Orthodoxy by Thomas Hopko
The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien (I'm reading this aloud to the kids and having a grand time doing so.)
It's the Little Things: Everyday Interactions That Anger, Annoy, and Divide the Races, by Lena Williams (Boy, this one is shining light on some surprises in my own heart!)
And a "braincandy" romance novel the title of which is not worth mentioning.
Recently Completed:
Becoming Orthodox, by Fr. Peter Gilquist (a quickie trip down memory lane re-read)
1 Corinthians, by St. Paul
The Illumined Heart by Frederica Matthews-Green (also a quickie re-read to remind myself of what it was about)
I hope to have a quiet evening of reading tonight.