I am realizing that I am in a certain danger of falling into this thinking trap that is so easy to fall in to: Defining myself by my problems and illnesses and wearing those things proudly on my sleeve, as a way to define myself, get attention, make things go my way, whatever.
How does one live with several chronic overlapping conditions and not have this happen? Perhaps just recognizing this temptation/sin is the first step in doing something about it.
So, all that said: I learned some helpful things for my degenerative disc disease at the Chiropractor the other day. In other words, a few little things I can do to avoid making low back pain worse. Thought I'd pass these along since I know many folks suffer from low back pain for one reason or another:
Get a Swiss Ball and sit on it, thighs should be parallel to the floor, feet firmly planted. Make very very slight movements front to back and side to side, and in circles like a belly dancer. But very very slight. These little movements should not hurt. If they do, and you are suffering low back pain, you are moving too much. Five minutes of this, and I find a good amount of pain relief.
Another thing: If sleeping on your stomach, put a pillow under your ankles or under your hips. If sleeping on your back, always put a pillow under your knees. I tried this and I felt so much better than I normally do this morning that I hardly wanted to get out of bed.
How does one live with several chronic overlapping conditions and not have this happen? Perhaps just recognizing this temptation/sin is the first step in doing something about it.
So, all that said: I learned some helpful things for my degenerative disc disease at the Chiropractor the other day. In other words, a few little things I can do to avoid making low back pain worse. Thought I'd pass these along since I know many folks suffer from low back pain for one reason or another:
Get a Swiss Ball and sit on it, thighs should be parallel to the floor, feet firmly planted. Make very very slight movements front to back and side to side, and in circles like a belly dancer. But very very slight. These little movements should not hurt. If they do, and you are suffering low back pain, you are moving too much. Five minutes of this, and I find a good amount of pain relief.
Another thing: If sleeping on your stomach, put a pillow under your ankles or under your hips. If sleeping on your back, always put a pillow under your knees. I tried this and I felt so much better than I normally do this morning that I hardly wanted to get out of bed.
So where do you get a swiss ball?
If anyone is seeking additional information about Degenerative Disc Disease treatmentoptions, visit medical sites and always get yourself a second opinion. What works for someone else may not necessarily work for you.
There are a whole range of specialist mattresses aimed at correcting posture and in turn alleviating back and neck pains. The benefits are long-term and you don't need to regularly visit [and pay!] some heavy handed therapist to relieve the pain! i recently purchased an orthopedic memory foam mattress, and i can report, that after a fortnight sleeping on it, i wake up feeling much better than i did when i slept on my old mattress. One may jump to the conclusion that such specialist mattress prices are high; however, if you look hard enough, you can find cheap orthopedic mattresses out there. If you are dispirited by the expense, just think of the long term benefits for your health, and the lack of future visits to your heavy handed therapist!!
My point: No one answer. Find a good DC that offers options and good advise and encouragment to see you gain the level of health you deserve.
Case with person having sever low back and leg pain (certain of nerve pressure). Coffee actually took his pain away. Go figure.
As a medic, now a chiropractor, I learned that we are all different and no one appraoch is effective for everyone. Just a thought.
My advise: Use multiple approaches, as no pannacea for low back pain exist, and do not fall victim of scammers trying to convince you they have the answer (for a credit card number). If one approach was the answer, I'd be using it in my clinic!
pain management emr