Blue Devils

Well, it was a disappointment that the friends we invited over for caroling and cookies were not able to make it. So, plan B: we got some veggie pizza and had a family movie night. The kids certainly appreciate the spritz cookies (a Swedish favorite, must-have at Christmas time at our house) that my daughter had made, and the chocolate covered pretzels.

And it turns out I was able to get some much needed rest instead of cleaning house all afternoon. Silver linings, and all. But I'm still sad that plans did not work out as originally anticipated. Sigh.

I, as I often do when I'm feeling down in the dumps, got me some alone time at the thrift store. And while there, I SCORED!:

Hunt for Red October video!!!!!! (This is SO COOL, I've wanted this movie for my submarine collection for a while. I still want the DVD but this will keep me happy until I get it.)

Hunt for Red October book. Can't have too much Clancy or too much Submarine stuff, in my opinion.

Wedding Planner video.

Ender's Game, book: I've heard it's good and have not read any sci-fi in a while.

John Keats (Regency era) Poetry collection...this will greatly enhance both my literary acumen and my knowledge of that era. Yeah, so I like reading Regency romance books...whatever.

Soft pink sweater. Can't have too many soft things in life. My husband likes me in pink. It's my favorite color. What more can I say?

Wine red poncho type shawl. It's always cold in our church building. This will be perfect for those "I feel fat and inelegant" days. I'll wear all black under it and look good no matter what.

School uniform pants for my daughter.

A basic brown booster seat (you know the type) that will get donated to our Church. Lots of kids that age, or kids who are going to be that age soon. It will come in handy and it was only two dollars.

Yeah, I know. Shopping when I'm down: not the best thing in the world. But this was done with awareness of that particular dynamic and with permission. I needed to get out of the house, that's for sure.


DebD said…
Great score!

My hubby and kids really enjoy Ender's Game. I've only listened to bits and pieces on tape.

Sorry the original plans didn't work out. But glad you got some rest.
Anonymous said…
She shoots! She SCORESSSSSSSSS!!

I love me a good day at the thrift store. You found some great stuff. I am especially envious of the wine red shawl. I'll be that will look awesome with a black dress.
Paige said…
A lady I used to work with called it "retail therapy." Thankfully, I live really close to the Dollar Tree, where I can therapeutically shop for an hour, buy ten things, and be out less than 11 bucks :) If I'm in need of intense retail therapy, I go to Gabriel Brothers. Have you been there, by the way? It's like the unholy spawn of Big Lots and Macy's. Best place to buy clothes and shoes, ever.