Wet Trees

Walking in the rain,
wet trees, verdant
in the cool moist air,
my canopy.
Best underfoot is grass
but the sidewalk must suffice
in the city
and I'll make do
as usual
with the green I can get.

Irises drink in the rain
and send up
fragrant offerings
of childhood memories
in our flowergarden
when I was six
which I'd forgotten until
yesterday's walk
when I stopped to breathe them in.

That reminds me of
currents, raspberries, pears,
and roses,
and always of cool wet air
loved best when walking:
my favorite kind
for breathing deep
under wet trees.


Mimi said…
I LOVE this, Alana. Thank you.
Bluecanopy said…
such a vivid reflection...you are talented :)