The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So, instead of crazy, I'm going to be responsible. I think it takes guts to post such awful pictures on the internet, but the truth is, everyone who sees me IRL sees this, too, so I may as well admit it to myself and get over it and get down to business and be more responsible with my eating and exercise.
Yes, I have fibro, yes I have a stressful life, but so do lots of other people and this is not a reason to slather butter on everything (just a wee bit on some things) and eat half a wheel of cheese with a hefty side of wine most evenings.
It's time for some new habits and a new attitude. So, this is the beginning, again.
I'll be right here with ya sister!
By the way, off-topic, but I wanted to say I like the cleaner, simpler, un-busy design of your blog now. Easier on the eyes.