Doll Clothes

I saw a doll at Costco today and since they don't always have the same items from week to week, I decided I'd better snap it up. ;-) It's a Madame Alexander. Madame Alexander dolls and I go way back to my very first doll (Baby Huggems) which I clutched to my chest at the age of 1 and did not let go of for several years. She's been living on my dresser now, for a while, and when I got her down to compare faces with the doll I bought today, I realized her body, long ago mended by my Meemaw, was literally falling apart.

So I had to remove the head and quickly create a pattern from the body before it utterly disintegrated. I know, I probably just vastly reduced the value of my baby huggems, but replacing the body with an exact replica will make it more fun. I plan on sewing a baptismal gown for this doll at some point, after seeing a baby huggems in a baptismal gown on a Madame Alexander collector's website.

At any rate, here are some shots of my new doll, and the dress and slip I made this week. I'll be delicate and refrain from showing the doll panties. They are of the same eyelet that the slip bottom is made of.


elizabeth said…
very cute dresses! let us know how it works out!
Shelley said…
I still have my Madame Alexander and she must be around 55 years old! I grew up with Wendy, Ginny and Muffy.
Hezra said…
very cute! We made a hat and scarf for a friend's dolly for a Christmas present.(crochet) You were right these are the perfect sz to test our sewing skills. The barbie patterns were impossibly small, ad kids clothes are too big for lttle girls to manage MAKING! But the crcheted stuff is made from literally tiny scraps of yarn!
gemma said…
Makes me pine for my Ginny doll.
Matushka Anna said…
It's nice to know that someone else still dresses dolls!

We sew doll clothes at our house too. When I was little, the doll clothes were handmade and always came from Mrs. Claus. (c;
Shari said…
I have my mom's Madame Alexander dolls from when she was little, and we gave my 20 month old a Baby Huggums for Christmas. Madame Alexander is very near and dear to my heart.