Bad Dreams

I was going through a set of rooms where I'd been staying. Seems like it was a hotel room or something but it had weird dark wood paneling. Suddenly I had a very creepy feeling, like "something is different". I looked at a small table near the door and realized the telephone that had been sitting there earlier was not there anymore.

I heard the lock click and knew I was locked in. With an intruder.

Nowhere to run. Panic. I will be harmed.

Then I woke up.


I'm trying to decide if I like this recurring dream or the one I used to have, of slipping off a cliff ...or the one where I'm drowning in a river.... the least.


Mimi said…
Isn't it interesting, our dreams? One of the pre-Communion prayers talks about fleeing from fantasies by night, and I am always struck by it.
Anonymous said…
Ooo, my goodness. That is creepy. I hope you don't get it again! (But what a great story.)