I should blog something

But life is so quiet. Nothing much to blog about. Much to pray about. Go pray!


Ruth said…
Quiet is good! Enjoy it while it lasts!
gemma said…
I will share my prayer

Oh Lord, You are so powerful and loving and good. The world You have created for me is magnificent and contains all that I love and need. I thank You for my family and friends, my employment and dwelling. I am so grateful to be living where I am. I can see the ocean every day. I walk the streets of my childhood where my memories are stored. I am able to indulge myself in my nostalgic trips through the neighborhood and then sort through the pain I caused and the pain I survived. Dramatic as it sounds it was nothing compared to others. It was all I could bear and grow from and I thank You for Your loving kindness.

Please keep me from evil. Keep my feet on the path that pleases You. Protect me, my family and friends from pain and evil. Bless my enemies for I have those as well. Change their hearts and mine to achieve some peace in our lifetime. I know You are with me always.

Bless my country and our President. Hasten a victory for him and us. Keep his enemies at bay and protect our country from the bad intentions of the press, from the good intentions of the peacenicks and turn the ill wishes of our enemies inside and outside of our borders against them.

I pray these things in Jesus name. Amen