Soon, yes very soon...

I"m gonna pump iron again. I'd post a picture of my beloved dumbells, but I"m too lazy to fetch my camera, and you can use your imagination. My ten pounders are black, the fifteens are metal gray, as are the twenties, and beyond that I have shiny bars, and gray plates...very boring to look at. Oh, and I have these sexy black weight lifting gloves, too. So very chic.

They've been collecting dust for the past two years while I've been working on diagnosis, reversal, recovery. I remember sitting in my chair, a blanket up to my chin, pain all over my body, and I'd look at the hamper that holds my dumbells and say to myself: "Someday I'll use them again." That someday is, hopefully, in less than a week.

Wedding dress must be sewn first. I'm not so naive as to take on a huge project with a deadline AND start working out at the same time. Just in case I don't do as well as I think I will and a workout leavs me with no energy to do anything else. I don't think that will happen, but have to plan that it might, just in case. I probably won't even go for my famous walks until this thing is done. But when it is, then the workouts will begin again.

According to my calculations, I've reversed enough fibro out of my body (two months on protocol reverses one year of disease progression) to be where I was at at the age of 25. That's about how I feel, minus having a toddler and a pregnant body, of course.

When I was 25 my body liked iron. When I was older, it did too, until one day it mysteriously stopped liking it, stopped responding to it, stopped improving, started getting worse despite my workouts, despite me "shaking things up" etc... That was actually what tipped me off that something was wrong with me.

Now I"m ready again. I just have to get this dress done first....

So, tomorrow I cut and sew silk, beautiful silk! And while I'm sewing, I'll think of my dumbells and my little leather gloves.


Mimi said…
Ooooh, enjoy!
Anonymous said…
You GO GIRL!!! Woot! I'm glad to know that you are feeling so much better.