First Week of School Report

School went really really well this week. It was so smooth. After our first day set-up kerfluffle, where I passed out composition books, we labeled them, introduced the kids to their textbooks...some new, some old, and did some lessons, it was smooth sailing from then on.


Like we've all done this before. Because we have.

Highlights include:

-A very positive reception by all of us of our new American History Curriculum: All American History.

-M. being practically giddy over the fact that she's actually learning Algebra now. And that it's not has difficult as she'd feared it would be.

-A fun trip down to waterfront park just to get some air on Wednesday afternoon.

-Hearing various kids practicing their music.

-E. submitting a very nicely written science report.

-Seeing how each kid's work is better, more accurate, more mature than it was last year at this time. Better writing, better drawings, all of it.

-Purchasing a model of the solar system to paint and build next week.

-Seeing E. really get into early Church history read aloud, because what eleven year old boy is not a bit fascinated by blood and gore?

-B. doing a good job of finding a balance between getting school work done and letting herself rest when she needs to.

-Discovering a wonderful early sample of fantasy historical fiction by Rudyard Kipling: Puck of Pook's Hill which is on the internet thanks to Project Gutenberg, and that it will make a very nice family read-aloud. Seeing the very probable influence this piece, published in 1904, had on C.S. Lewis and his writing.

-Taking a trip to Louisville Zoo and finding out that a baby Bongo was born last week. Baby Bongo was so cute!

This is not the baby Bongo we saw, but it's a good sample, from


elizabeth said…
sounds like a great start! :)
Anna said…
What do you use for the early church read aloud bit?
Alana said…
We are using A History of the Church From the Day of Pentecost Until the Council of Chalcedon A.D.29-A.D. 451 For Children

by John Mason Neale.

This is a book that was originally published in 1852 and is available at

John Mason Neale is Anglican, but the book has much to recommend itself and is very compatible for use by an Orthodox family.

We also own Stories of Church History, by the same author.

For an excellent Children's Catechism book, I highly recommend The Law of God by Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy

also available at

We've used The Law of God for the previous several years as the basis of our home school "religious instruction", together with daily prayers, the Scripture readings from the lectionary, and lives of saints. This year, something different.